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关于友爱 & 女生联谊会的生活

Each Northwest fraternity and sorority was founded on similar principles of scholarship, 领导, 问责制, 公民参与, 和社区. For complete information on 创始价值观 of Northwest FSL, please check out 兄弟值.




The 校友会主席 is the administrative and governing board representing the best interest on Northwest fraternities. The responsibilities of IFC include striving toward the highest standards of 领导, 兄弟会, 奖学金与自治. 国际金融公司协调教育, 会员分会的社会和招募计划, 并建立了行为和成员的规则和标准.




The 全国泛希腊理事会 is the official coordinating agent for the nine historically Black Greek letter fraternities and sororities. The 澳门网上博彩官方网站 NPHC chapter serves as a standard-setting body for the affiliate organizations present on campus. Northwest NPHC strives to foster and maintain a cooperative environment among affiliate members. The Council acts as a coordinator of activities and matters of common interest among member fraternities and sororities.




The Northwest 泛希腊议会 is the administrative and governing body that unites all five sororities. 作为西北地区最大的妇女组织, Panhel works to foster a supportive environment that values scholarship, 通过团结的姐妹情谊服务和个人成长. 它负责协调所有女生联谊会的活动, 服务项目, 教育计划和正式的姐妹会招募. Panhel works together to maintain high scholastic and social standards to strengthen the bonds of friendship and sisterhood through the sorority chapters.



Students interested in becoming a member of a Northwest fraternity or sorority are encouraged to go through the recruitment process. 招聘过程是一个相互选择的过程. The goal is to find the chapter where you have the strongest sense of belonging. Recruitment allows for interested potential new members to meet current chapter members and learn about each organization, 包括它的历史和传统, 创始价值观, 领导机会和校园参与.




联谊会 Recruitment will take place at the various chapter houses from August 28-September 11


公开招聘将在正式招聘后开始. 如果有兴趣加入,请联系各个分会. 

Women interested in sorority life go through Formal Sorority Recruitment during September. This process allows potential new members the opportunity to interact with each Northwest sorority through organized recruitment parties. 正式招聘完成后, you may have the opportunity to attend Continuous Open Recruitment events, 这些都是随意的, 姐妹会活动通常在校园举行.

Men interested in fraternity life can participate in fall recruitment events during August and September. 每个分会组织自己的活动和活动. Most recruitment events are casual and range in activities from athletic events, 扑克比赛和野炊.


Organizations that fall under the 全国泛希腊理事会(NPHC) are unique in their membership requirements and processes. Rather than hosting a formal membership recruitment process for all of the fraternities and sororities, 每个NPHC组织都有自己的会员申请, individual membership requirements and a specific intake process prescribed by their national headquarters. 入职可能包括面试, 集体活动, 以及群体价值观/传统的研究, 在本科生和导师的共同参与下. NPHC chapters enter the intake process at various times of the academic year.


会员教育是新会员学习历史的时间, 与他们的新组织有关的原则和理想. 新会员期一般为6至8周. During this time new members will participate in weekly meetings to learn about their chapter; they will participate in 领导 workshops, retreats and activities designed to build friendships; they will perform community service and support academic excellence.


The University and each (inter)national fraternity and sorority expects its members to obey all local, 遵守州和联邦法律,并遵守分会的政策, 指引及标准. Significant resources are allocated at all levels to educate the members about alcohol and substance abuse and being responsible for their behavior and actions.

密苏里州法律和学校都禁止欺侮学生. All fraternities and sororities have strict policies against hazing practices. 欺凌被定义为任何采取的行动或造成的情况, 故意, 无论是在章内还是章外, 引起精神或身体上的不适, 尴尬, 骚扰或嘲笑. 欺侮是被禁止的,是不能容忍的.

All activities sponsored by our organizations must be consistent with the founding principles of the organizations and must compliment the educational mission of 澳门网上博彩官方网站. 如果你担心任何可疑活动, 或者有任何问题, 请致电(660)562-1226与办公室联系.


It's said that when you join a sorority or fraternity you are paying for your friends. 这绝不是真的! Yes, being a member of an FSL organization does entail a financial obligation. 然而, these dues are what enable the chapter to make donations to charitable causes, coordinate chapter programming and maintain general organizational needs.

各章的财务义务各不相同. 分会会费平均为50美元.每月500美元,但可以根据任何额外的社交活动而有所不同, 教育项目或住房选择. 作为新成员, 几个一次性费用将被添加到你的月会费中, 以支付因启动费用而产生的费用. 通常,第一年的会员费是最贵的.

Many chapters offer payment plans in order to meet financial obligations. Several chapters also offer incentive programs to members who pay their yearly dues in advance or who meet certain academic standards.


西北兄弟会在校园附近设有分会, 为小团体生活提供了机会. Each chapter facility is overseen and maintained by a Housing Corporation, 平均有20个分会成员.

西北姐妹会没有自己的分会住房. 然而,他们的分会确实有大学宿舍. 罗伯塔大厅是女生联谊会的大厅, in which each organization has an assigned number of rooms for their members and a chapter/meeting room.

All first time Northwest freshmen are required to abide by the University's Housing policy, therefore freshmen members are not allowed to live in a chapter house until their second year of school. Additional questions regarding chapter housing can be addressed during the recruitment process.